A WildlifeoMessage I Wish I Never Had To Share: The Strictly Enforced Community Guidelines On This Channel...
At WildlifeoPedia™, we are commited to encouraging a respectful, safe and enjoyable environment. Failure to comply with these strictly enforced community guidelines will result in future termination of your account on my channel and you certainly have no home at WildlifeoPedia™.
The associated interaction of the failed compliance will be removed and the account will be blocked and reported. The Community Guidelines are enforced stricter than any other rule on this platform, they also apply to WildlifeoPedia's YouTube channel and other profiles. Any violation will be taken extremely seriously. This is done to ensure the safest atmosphere possible in the comment section of WildlifeoPedia™ and beyond...
Community Guidelines & Agreements
By interacting on any of the videos uploaded by WildlifeoPedia™, you agree to the following, strictly enforced guidelines:
No spreading of violence or hate
No spreading of LGBTQ violence
Respect all life on our planet: Treat conversations about animals, nature & wildlife with respect
No engaging in speciesism, sexism, racism, or any other form of discrimination
No spamming of off-topic comments, like promotion of a different platform or channel. Learn More
No providing of links redirecting viewers to phishing attacks or malware
Strictly prohibited & enforced on WildlifeoPedia's channels & services: No predatory behaviour towards minors: This includes but isn't limited to the manipulating, abusing, bullying, influencing, or the coercing of minors
Constructive criticism: Provide your feedback in a respectful manner
No targeting of indiviuals with malicious intent
Respect intellectual property
No engaging in illegal activities: Including drug dealing, coercing, attacks, or promoting any other criminal behaviours
No using of heavily inappropriate language
Do not misrepresent others' work or content in a misleading way
Respect others' opinions: Conversations are encouraged, but in a respectful manner
Respect people's privacy: Do not share your own sensitive data or private data from others
No providing of links redirecting viewers to malware or any other malicious websites and/or software
No providing of links redirecting viewers to graphic content like pornography or graphic violence
Do not mislead people into false or inaccurate opinions, activities, or identities
Include the community: Do not exclude people based on their background or identity
Make sure your activity is appropriate for all ages
Do not engage in trolling
Follow the platforms' policies & guidelines
If you suspect any of this prohibited activity, I kindly, yet urgently request you to report the activity for investigation. Once the activity is subject to violation of the community guidelines, either YouTube or WildlifeoPedia™ will implement the necessary action.
What are the exact guidelines for comments involving criticism?
At WildlifeoPedia™, I would love to hear the feedback of my supporters to make future content even better. Please note that the differences between violating the community guidelines and providing helpful feedback, are that you don't engage in discrimination, spam, promoting malicious software, or promoting off-topic graphic content. However, if you continue to stay polite, considerate and don't violate these community guidelines in the ways provided earlier, you are more than welcome to leave a comment on a video!