Tiger's Journey To His Forever Home
Tiger was born on May 20th, 2013. His story began as a stray, found wandering on the streets and brought to an animal shelter on June 3rd of 2013, at just two weeks of age. Despite efforts to find an owner, no one came forward. Thankfully, he was adopted by a new owner on August 10th, 2013, but due to private circumstances beyond his control, Tiger was returned to the shelter five years later on August 17th, 2018. It was a difficult twist of fate, but this time it led him to the place he truly belongs.
Then came us – on August 29th, 2018, we adopted Tiger and welcomed him into our lives. From that day on, he seemed to have finally found his real home. Loved and cherished, Tiger has brought so much joy to my life, and I;m committed to making his life as wonderful as he’s made ours.
How did I meet the cat of my life?
In 2018, during a holiday trip heading to Florida, I was fascinated by the numerous stray cats wandering around the neighborhood. Their presence made me curious what it would be like to have a cat of my own. Once we returned home, I was eager to visit animal adoption centers in our area to explore all possible options. On Saturday, August 26th of 2018, I finally visited a local animal center for the first time. There, I met two cats: One was available for adoption immediately but was less tolerant and social, and Tiger (formerly Puma): A very social, nice and playful cat who yet needed to remain at the adoption center another couple of days for medical reasons.
My excitement to adopt a cat nearly forced me into making the quicker decision. However, after discussing it with my family, we decided to take a step back and decided to wait for Tiger's option (only 4 days). To this day, I am so tremendously grateful I've made this right decision. I was finally able to welcome Tiger on Wednesday, August 29th of 2018. Adopting him was a memorable and rewarding choice. I am so grateful we made the thoughtful choice to wait just a couple of days and didn't let our excitement prevent me from getting to know Tiger as he truly is.
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How did Tiger experience the transition?
After picking up Tiger from the adoption center and driving home, he began to excessively moan and cry during the trip, clearly worrying what was about to come. However, once we arrived home, he quickly started to settle, showing only mild nervousness as he explored his new surroundings. Over the next few months, Tiger gradually became more comfortable in his new home.
The one thing Tiger didn’t really appreciate was keeping him ininside for two months. This would've been necessary for him to allow him picking up the scent of the house and ensure he wouldn’t get lost when he was outside. When the time came (and he was freed from what must have felt like a cage), Tiger was thrilled, excited and relieved. We were just as relieved, as we no longer had to worry about him dashing out the door and losing him.
Now, six years later, Tiger is still thriving in his forever home: A home completed with a luxury scratching post, an assortment of toys, plenty of love and attention, and all the food he could ever need. Through WildlifeoPedia, Tiger is also becoming a worldwide recognized cat!