Rules For Submitting Content For The WildlifeoGallery™
By submitting an image, you agree to WildlifeoPedia's Privacy Policy and the following Submission Rules:
You are prohibited of requesting any promotional content, like advertisements, logos, names or external URLs
You may not request to show content which is off-topic to WildlifeoPedia. Learn More
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You may not request to show content which only contains text or messages
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You may not request to show images which you do not own the rights to. WildlifeoPedia is not responsible nor liable for checking ownership rights of any of the content
You may not promote or showcase (graphic) violence
Your content must be appropriate for all ages
Do not share sensitive or personal data via the content
Remember that your content might be displayed publicly on WildlifeoGallery if it follows these rules. So please think twice before uploading a file.
By submitting an image, you agree to WildlifeoPedia's Privacy Policy and Submission Rules